Ceriops tagal (Perr.)
C.B. Robinson
Evergreen small or moderate tall tree,
upto 6 m high, canopy conical.
Aerial roots form short buttresses
or root-knees or flange like plank roots at the base of the trunks.
Leaves simple, 8-10 cm long and 4-5 cm
broad, coriaceous, obovate-oblong, apex rounded, glabrous.
Flowers in axillary cyme, sepals 5 lobed,
petals 5, white, shorter than the calyx.
Fruits slightly conical, 1.5 - 2.0 cm
long, pointed apically
Germination epigeal, viviparous, hypocotyle
length 15 - 20 cm
Hypocotyle terete or slightly ridged,
upto 25 cm long warty throughout.
Viviparous germination starts soon after
the maturation of the fruits; hypocotyl remain in the mother plant till
the end of monsoon
Economic Importance : Produce high
calorific valued fuel-wood, timber, pole for domestic cottage, piles and
pillars. The wood is very hard and durable. Tannin content of the stem
bark is 29.0%.